Nephentes Phinena ☮: Warten auf den Sommer (Waiting for the Summer)
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Libelle (Dragonfly)
Nephentes Phinena ☮: LIbelle (Dragonfly)
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Searching dragonflies.. LOL
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Emerald eyes
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Libelle - so groß wie meine Hand! (Dragonfly - as big as my hand!)
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Flying Jewel
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Green on orange
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Green Beauty - explore 05. Okt. 2015
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Draghlia ;-D
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Plattbauch (Broad-bodied Chaser) Libellula depressa
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Libelle (Dragonfly)
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Summer Light
Nephentes Phinena ☮: 036-DSC_0055
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Catching the sunray
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Plattbauch (Broad-bodied Chaser) Libellula depressa
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Vierfleck (Four-spotted chaser) Libellula quadrimaculata
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Plattbauch (Broad-bodied Chaser)
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Libelle (Dragon Fly)
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Libellen-Bokeh (Dragonfly-Bokeh)
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Kleine Moosjungfer (White-faced darter) Leucorrhinia dubia
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Gold and Silver
Nephentes Phinena ☮: Notlandung auf meiner Jeans