Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Himmelmoor ("Heaven's Moor")
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Moor Lake
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Der Moorsee im Himmelmoor (The lake in the "Heaven's Moor")
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Himmelmoor (Heaven's Moor)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
View up to the sky...
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
The gray eminence
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Kraniche am Himmel
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Kanadagans (Canada goose) Branta canadensis
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Kanadagans (Canada Goose)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Mama Duck, Tick, Trick, Track & co, Auntie Goose.. ;-D
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Evening in the Moor
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Kanadagänse (Canada Goose)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Die Gänse sind zurück (The geese are back)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Die Gänse sind zurück (The geese are back)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Die Gänse sind zurück (The geese are back)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Die Gänse sind zurück (The geese are back)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Kanadagans (Canada goose) Branta canadensis
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Kanadagans (Canada goose) Branta canadensis
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Kanadagans (Canada goose) Branta canadensis
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Duck in Space
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Entenfamilie im Himmelmoor
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
We are Family...
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Swimming on a mirror