Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Weiß (White)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Schnee (Snow)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Natürlicher Weihnachtsbaum (Natural Christmas-Tree)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Merry Christmas!
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Hagebutte (Rose Hip)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Vogelfutter (Food for birds)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Lampionblume (Chinese Lantern)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Eisrose 4 (Iced Rose 4)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Eisrose 3 (Iced Rose 3)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Eis-Rosen (Iced Roses)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Eis-Rose (Iced Rose)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Eis-Rose 2 (Iced Rose 2)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Schneebällchen (little snowball)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Hut aus Schnee (Snowy Hat)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Eingeschneit (snowbound)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Hamamelis im Schnee (Hamamelis in the snow)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Hortensien-Schneemann (Hortensia-Snowman) )
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Herbst vs. Winter (Autumn vs. Wintertime)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Es schneit (It's snowing)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Sonnenlicht auf Schnee (Sunlight on snow)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Für immer (For ever)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Hafen Hamburg (Harbour Hamburg)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Hamburg - Hafen City (Hamburg - Harbour City)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Die Welt ist rund (The World is Round)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Hafen Hamburg (Harbour Hamburg)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Freunde (Friends)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Flug durch den Winter (Flight through the Winter)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Schnee (Snow)
Nephentes Phinena ☮:
Spuren im Schnee (Tracks in the snow)