nep: And Yet More Toilet Options
nep: Toilet Flusher
nep: Toilet Instructions
nep: Kamogawa Inn
nep: Sugamo Station
nep: Susie Heads For the Train
nep: Noriko Heads for the Train
nep: Advertise Anywhere
nep: CoCo Curry House Sign
nep: Oh Yum! Chicken Katsu Curry!
nep: CoCo Curry House Counter
nep: Dinner at CoCo Curry House
nep: DSC_8836
nep: Choose Your Spice Level
nep: 24h
nep: ABC Store at Night
nep: The Restaurant Looks Open, But Isn't
nep: Heading to Dinner
nep: Walking the Line
nep: Leave Your Bike and Take a Train
nep: Just a Little Crowded
nep: Noriko and Yoshiko Ride the Train
nep: Beautiful Noriko
nep: Yoshiko Rides the Train
nep: Sick Man Likes His Tommy
nep: Helpful Suggestion from the Control State
nep: Littering butts...
nep: Next Stop: Tokyo
nep: Jason Needs Guidance
nep: Subway Stairs. Or Maybe It's Train Stairs.