nep: Kevin Addresses the Crowd
nep: The Crowd - 4
nep: Justin Prepares His Presentation
nep: Rick and Derek Riff
nep: Rick Presenting
nep: Rick on a Roll
nep: Derek Drove the Laptop
nep: Rick Answering Questions
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 01
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 02
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 03
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 04
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 05
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 06
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 07
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 08
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 09
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 10
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 11
nep: Screenshots of EE 2.0 - 12
nep: Patrick Set up the Stage
nep: The Crowd - 1
nep: The Crowd - 3
nep: The Crowd - 5
nep: The Crowd - 8
nep: Dinner Afterwards - 1
nep: Dinner Afterwards - 2
nep: Dinner Afterwards - 3
nep: The Organizers - 2