nep: Smith. Travis Smith. Licensed to Pose.
nep: Pre-Photoshop, Everyone Looked Like This
nep: Nancy Lee was My Grad Date
nep: Pretty in Pink
nep: Roxanne *Is* Fabulous
nep: Me and Nancy
nep: Behold, the Pyramid of Manliness
nep: Two Pyramids of Power
nep: Judd Always Was a Dapper Sort
nep: Guru Gunaratnam
nep: What was Chris Bingham Thinking?
nep: Dave Prefers the Natural Look
nep: Barbara Biemann Wasn't Drunk
nep: He's a Keeper
nep: “Lean Closer to Your Own Flower, Please”
nep: My Mom Came to My Grad
nep: My Cousin Craig and I
nep: Happy, Or Serious?
nep: Grady Slept in My Van
nep: Nancy in the Passenger Seat