@neotsn: accipitereye
@neotsn: "...Gonna have ourselves a time"
@neotsn: Some of the group
@neotsn: Rust-eze
@neotsn: AFLAC !!!
@neotsn: Go Ahead, Make My Day...
@neotsn: Arrangement
@neotsn: Flew the coup
@neotsn: Jesus Christ!
@neotsn: Red
@neotsn: Orange
@neotsn: rknickme
@neotsn: Alfred
@neotsn: Off-White, On-Orange
@neotsn: Pink Flowers, again
@neotsn: Horn
@neotsn: Pienso un Pensado
@neotsn: Ain't nothin' but a hound dog...dawg
@neotsn: "Ahw, jeez..."
@neotsn: "Holy S@#$," he said
@neotsn: Hay thur
@neotsn: ...in bed
@neotsn: Ebenezer
@neotsn: Scrooge
@neotsn: Pink Flowers
@neotsn: Red Curves
@neotsn: Angel
@neotsn: Triceratops
@neotsn: "...It's how you use your Canon" - MoriEndi
@neotsn: Here's the steeple...