Daniel-Latorre: #occupywallstreet is 1 block from the WTC site. The whole world is watching our "freedom" in NYC.
Daniel-Latorre: "Politics is the art of occupying space!" #occupywallstreet
Daniel-Latorre: #occupywallstreet Notes: 100+ arrested some need bail, largest Spanish radio covering protest, need laptop chargers.
Daniel-Latorre: Occupy Media Working Group, Media Center, Liberty Park. The peer to peer ethic is not just in the #socialmedia it's the social ethic of the assembly. #occupywallstreet
Daniel-Latorre: Map of Liberty Park in print ed. of "The Occupied Wall Street Journal" Love the name of the modernist sculpture:
Daniel-Latorre: #RightToTheCity awareness is evident at #OWS. Maps of all the public/private spaces downtown:
Daniel-Latorre: The surreality of our limited right to assemble in public space doesn't get more stark than this at #OWS:
Daniel-Latorre: Agora2.0: Open forum on Participatory Economics. "Market only based on buyers/sellers is inherently unsustainable" #OWS
Daniel-Latorre: "You don't need to be a genius to lead, anyone can be leader" -Zizek @OccupyWallStNYC #OWS #p2p