Daniel-Latorre: Mark Elliot, Collabforge
Daniel-Latorre: Nick Grossman, The Open Planning Project Labs
Daniel-Latorre: Adrian Holovaty, Everyblock.com
Daniel-Latorre: P1010754
Daniel-Latorre: P1010755
Daniel-Latorre: hallway exhibit: art of science
Daniel-Latorre: hallway exhibit: art of science
Daniel-Latorre: Christian Peralta
Daniel-Latorre: Michelle Obama - Class Photo, Yankee Doodle Tap Room, Princeton
Daniel-Latorre: Yankee Doodle Tap Room
Daniel-Latorre: Yankee Doodle Tap Room
Daniel-Latorre: DIY interactive screen, Wiimote powered
Daniel-Latorre: DIY interactive table, Wiimote powered
Daniel-Latorre: P1010773
Daniel-Latorre: Problems w/ electronic voting
Daniel-Latorre: spring