Neon Tommy: IMG_9007
Neon Tommy: 177394226
Neon Tommy: Barboxer
Neon Tommy: brownandboxer
Neon Tommy: dadt
Neon Tommy: DemNominees
Neon Tommy: GavinNewsom
Neon Tommy: harris.villaraigosa.jones.solis.boxer
Neon Tommy: JBcentrallibrary
Neon Tommy: JBrally
Neon Tommy: villaraigosa
Neon Tommy: queen meg bus
Neon Tommy: queenmeg
Neon Tommy: queenmeg1
Neon Tommy: queenmeg2
Neon Tommy: queenmeg3
Neon Tommy: queenmegbus
Neon Tommy: JBrally1
Neon Tommy: USC Hillel is a new polling location
Neon Tommy: Signs at the building's second entrance pointing to where voting is taking place
Neon Tommy: The proctors at this polling site are bilingual
Neon Tommy: There were 5 voting booths at this polling site
Neon Tommy: When I arrived at 9:30a.m., the crowds were sparse at this polling location
Neon Tommy: By 10:30a.m., all the booths were being used
Neon Tommy: USC students found Hillel to be a convenient polling site
Neon Tommy: USC faculty came to this polling place to vote in the midterm elections
Neon Tommy: A student submits his ballot for Decision 2010
Neon Tommy: A CALPIRG representative leaving the polling site
Neon Tommy: Weemes Elementary school polling station
Neon Tommy: Weemes Elementary school polling station