NEON Science: SJER landscape
NEON Science: SJER tower from above
NEON Science: Cattle spectators at SJER
NEON Science: SJER field sampling
NEON Science: SJER flight survey
NEON Science: SJER hillside
NEON Science: Rainbow over a field in SJER
NEON Science: Trees at SJER
NEON Science: SJER wildflowers
NEON Science: SJER field sampling crew, photo by: Kristen Stone
NEON Science: SJER landscape, photo by: Kristen Stone
NEON Science: SJER landscape with a tiny rainbow, photo by: Kristen Stone
NEON Science: Plagiobothrys nothofulvus blooms amongst oak trees at SJER. Photo Credit: Kate Ludwig
NEON Science: A field of Plagiobothrys nothofulvus at SJER. Photo Credit: Kate Ludwig
NEON Science: Plagiobothrys nothofulvus at SJER. Photo Credit: Kate Ludwig