NeoAntares (away for a while): Memories of Old New York
NeoAntares (away for a while): Time Square's protest
NeoAntares (away for a while): Up and down the riversides
NeoAntares (away for a while): Beach Club Swordfish
NeoAntares (away for a while): Under the rainbow roof
NeoAntares (away for a while): Dark street corner with snake on the ceiling
NeoAntares (away for a while): Geometries of the Marine Bay Sand Hotel
NeoAntares (away for a while): Gaudi's Piece of Art
NeoAntares (away for a while): God's light or sun light ?
NeoAntares (away for a while): Surrealistic Scene in a Church from a different Planet
NeoAntares (away for a while): Intriguing stuff.... serious thinking
NeoAntares (away for a while): Back to the good old geometry
NeoAntares (away for a while): Psychedelic Guell Tunnel
NeoAntares (away for a while): Color path over the rainbow bridge
NeoAntares (away for a while): Top of the German Parlement
NeoAntares (away for a while): In the dome of the German Parlement
NeoAntares (away for a while): Shopping Malls of Singapore (2)
NeoAntares (away for a while): Shopping Malls of Singapore (1)
NeoAntares (away for a while): No Enemies for the Nobel Peace Price