Nemoleon: Palatine from the Markets of Trajan
Nemoleon: Victor Emmanuel Monument from the Markets of Trajan
Nemoleon: Concrete and rubble masonry
Nemoleon: Concrete and rubble masonry
Nemoleon: Mixed masonry of houses built into the Markets of Trajan
Nemoleon: Ceiling of the Loggia of the Knights of Rhodes
Nemoleon: Loggia of the Knights of Rhodes
Nemoleon: Hemicycle of the Markets of Trajan, with pavement
Nemoleon: Modern sculpture on the grounds of the museum
Nemoleon: Apartment buildings behind the Markets of Trajan
Nemoleon: Building foundations on the upper level of the Markets
Nemoleon: Building foundations (with cat)
Nemoleon: Medieval tower
Nemoleon: Roman pavement
Nemoleon: Forum and Column of Trajan from the Markets
Nemoleon: Markets of Trajan
Nemoleon: Medieval building above the Markets
Nemoleon: Medieval buildings over the Markets of Trajan
Nemoleon: Cistern built into a Medieval tower
Nemoleon: Base of the Torre delle Milizie
Nemoleon: Palm
Nemoleon: Ancient and Medieval Masonry
Nemoleon: Upper walls at the Markets of Trajan
Nemoleon: Buildings on top of the Markets of Trajan
Nemoleon: Torre delle Milizie
Nemoleon: Palm
Nemoleon: Base of the Torre delle Milizie
Nemoleon: Torre delle milizie from the Vittoriano
Nemoleon: Buildings above the Markets of Trajan
Nemoleon: Rome 182