nemo07: selling fish
nemo07: head of a big fish... cut for sale at the market
nemo07: selling crabs
nemo07: fish seller
nemo07: fish tail
nemo07: cutting fish
nemo07: lane in Gulang Yu
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nemo07: street scene in Gulang Yu
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nemo07: artist at work
nemo07: beautiful flower
nemo07: intersting sculpture close to a school
nemo07: intersting sculpture close to a school
nemo07: interesting sculpture close to a school
nemo07: flowers on a tree
nemo07: father doing hard work
nemo07: the daughter in big format
nemo07: woman doing her laundry with her daughter helping her
nemo07: woman doing her laundry with her daughter helping her
nemo07: CIMG3344_resized
nemo07: place atmosphere in Gulang Yu
nemo07: old people sitting at a public place in Gulang Yu
nemo07: wall decoration on Gulang Yu
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nemo07: hotel in old villa
nemo07: Jesus statue in the park around the church
nemo07: house near the Catholic church