nemethp: Kids at "The Patch"
nemethp: Marshall picking out a pumpkin
nemethp: easier picking
nemethp: Kylie
nemethp: Marshall
nemethp: Looking sad
nemethp: Measuring it up
nemethp: looking for a seat
nemethp: Hanging out
nemethp: Waiting for a snack
nemethp: The one Kylie pic
nemethp: Marshall
nemethp: Pumpkins made it home
nemethp: pumpkins on the porch
nemethp: Pumpkin Carving-2.jpg
nemethp: My pumpkin leading the way (followed by marshall's, Kylie's and Missy's)
nemethp: Pumpkin Carving-6.jpg
nemethp: Pumpkin Carving-8.jpg
nemethp: Phil's, Marshall's, Kylie's, and Missy's
nemethp: Pumpkin Carving-12.jpg
nemethp: halloween-2.jpg
nemethp: halloween-6.jpg
nemethp: halloween-7.jpg
nemethp: halloween-8.jpg