*J&J Fan*: 5/08 Watchdoza Video title.
*J&J Fan*: Collage
*J&J Fan*: Loves mist.
*J&J Fan*: very hot day
*J&J Fan*: Twin shot
*J&J Fan*: Hot day
*J&J Fan*: Belt!
*J&J Fan*: Jacob meditating...Josh splashing
*J&J Fan*: Less formal duo
*J&J Fan*: Sib tease
*J&J Fan*: Getting wet
*J&J Fan*: Good and wet
*J&J Fan*: Time out
*J&J Fan*: Formal Duo
*J&J Fan*: Just odd
*J&J Fan*: Moon shot
*J&J Fan*: Thanks.. hugs
*J&J Fan*: The Stare
*J&J Fan*: Got it right finally..not this, see cover.
*J&J Fan*: Getting set.
*J&J Fan*: foot up?
*J&J Fan*: leg up?
*J&J Fan*: just slightly photogenic!!
*J&J Fan*: NemesisHolidayNote
*J&J Fan*: one last shot
*J&J Fan*: COVER ION 12/07
*J&J Fan*: pg 25 ION 12/07
*J&J Fan*: pg 26 ION 12/07
*J&J Fan*: pg 27 ION 12/07
*J&J Fan*: pg 28 ION 12/07