nelz9999: Sara, Meg, and Robin
nelz9999: Gelli Baff
nelz9999: NZ ain't bad at all!
nelz9999: Takapuna Beach
nelz9999: A view of Philip Island in Tutukaka Harbor
nelz9999: Tutukaka Coast
nelz9999: Beautiful hill with Kauri Trees
nelz9999: Northland, NZ. Pretty, even in the rain.
nelz9999: It Seems I May Have Been In The Shire
nelz9999: You could just barely see Mount Mania
nelz9999: We kayaked around Limestone Island
nelz9999: Brent, Aysha, and I Went for a Paddle Today
nelz9999: Looking North from Waitangi
nelz9999: Arrival Gate on Urupukapuka
nelz9999: Departure Gate from Urupukapuka
nelz9999: Bike sculpture in The Rocks (Sydney).
nelz9999: Melty Belgian Chocolates (and *CRACK*)
nelz9999: Olly's Mom and Dad (Jean-Marie) and Nephew.
nelz9999: The hat Gina got me for Xmas!
nelz9999: Gina & Olly Goofiness
nelz9999: I can't express how much I *LOVE* these ne'erdowells!
nelz9999: The 5 of us, finally managing to take a decent timer photo.
nelz9999: Eggs w/ mushrooms & cheese.
nelz9999: Gina & Olly, overlooking the Sydney-Hobart Race
nelz9999: Me and Gina, with the Sydney-Hobart yachties in the distance
nelz9999: Serving up a burrito to Eva.
nelz9999: Overlooking the cliffs on the way to the falls.
nelz9999: This was the most 'paradise' spot I visited in NSW.
nelz9999: Nelz & Gina at The Belgian Beer Cafe on NYE.
nelz9999: The Crypt Keeper?