What Nelo Saw: 135. Dilemma.
What Nelo Saw: HOPE Aguirre
What Nelo Saw: Zotal. Amazing packaging
What Nelo Saw: Autofoto, chicas, beso
What Nelo Saw: Paella, vi, pa. Dinar d'estiu @lunadisseny
What Nelo Saw: Insomni, pensaments, bonanit.
What Nelo Saw: Llerona, piscina, estiu. Cap lloc en el món és més estiu que aquest.
What Nelo Saw: Neon, cocktails, Tom Cruise.
What Nelo Saw: Escojer vinilo, moneda, play. Ah no, que es decoración
What Nelo Saw: Fum, gent, llums, sidonie.
What Nelo Saw: Biscuit
What Nelo Saw: Martí Sales volant pel PopArb
What Nelo Saw: Manos de topo
What Nelo Saw: Cortina, guitarras, chicas
What Nelo Saw: Toalla, magnolia, bañador
What Nelo Saw: Everything is in its right place
What Nelo Saw: Els Trulls
What Nelo Saw: Sombra paseando a perro
What Nelo Saw: Benvingut estiu
What Nelo Saw: parc güell
What Nelo Saw: at work @lunadisseny
What Nelo Saw: I love what you love
What Nelo Saw: Guess who?
What Nelo Saw: the drums
What Nelo Saw: smoke and lights over The cure
What Nelo Saw: death cab for cutie. ben gibbard & chris walla
What Nelo Saw: primavera sound
What Nelo Saw: montseny & blue sky from Llerona
What Nelo Saw: Mamá guardando la espada láser