NelMan: Half full
NelMan: Big cheese
NelMan: Night clouds
NelMan: Moon-lit mangos - Four
NelMan: Moon-lit mangos - Three
NelMan: Moon-lit mangos - Two
NelMan: Moon-lit mangos - One
NelMan: Just give me a shot
NelMan: Moon-eating-cloud
NelMan: Steeeeerike three!
NelMan: Steeeeerike two!
NelMan: Steeeeerike one!
NelMan: Saturn, Orion's belt, and M42/M43 (NGC 1976)
NelMan: Symmetry, lines and streaks
NelMan: The metro at night
NelMan: Here come the mooneaters
NelMan: Not quite as nice as the V3X's
NelMan: My first moon shot...
NelMan: Penumbral
NelMan: It's that tower again
NelMan: It's been a while...
NelMan: The Milky Way. Finally.