-jlr-: Spending time
-jlr-: My father, my son
-jlr-: thought
-jlr-: sharing a secret
-jlr-: boy with bokeh (and comb-over...)
-jlr-: crazy dancing
-jlr-: 2 much X!
-jlr-: Enough with the photos!!!
-jlr-: twirling
-jlr-: Indy face
-jlr-: Boy at play
-jlr-: Love my trucks
-jlr-: Vroom vroom
-jlr-: The new 'do'
-jlr-: Brad Pitt junior...
-jlr-: First hair cut - 17 months
-jlr-: First hair cut - 17 months
-jlr-: Oh my beautiful curls.. how could you!?!
-jlr-: Why why why did I do this!!??
-jlr-: It's all gone!
-jlr-: Before hair product, of course
-jlr-: Pussy cat want some cake....?
-jlr-: Possible last sighting
-jlr-: Just for fun
-jlr-: Sheer joy
-jlr-: ... and then she said WOT??!!