Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Ideas in progress for I heart the 80s swap
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: I heart the 80s swap inspiration
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Enough bling? Let me know partner
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Reckless Love at Download 2010
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Lining of the iPad case for I heart the 80s swap
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Front of iPad case for I heart the 80s swap
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Back of iPad case for I heart the 80s swap
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Hoop for the I heart the 80s swap
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Hoop for I heart the 80s swap
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Pac-man pins and Major Morgan received from ochil_lynz
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: Major Morgan received from ochil_lynz
Reene@Nellie's Niceties: I heart the 80s swap goodies received from ochil_lynz