W for Wednesday: 我在英國的日子,
W for Wednesday: Death Cab for Cutie
W for Wednesday: Bixton, 全倫敦最大的演唱會場地。
W for Wednesday: DonDon和最後的英國Costa咖啡。
W for Wednesday: The Rock and Sole Plaice
W for Wednesday: Observatory, air-port-city, 2008
W for Wednesday: The traditional afternoon tea in the St James Restaurant of the Fortnum & Mason.
W for Wednesday: Les Miserables is the best musical in London!
W for Wednesday: Fang的一億日圓。
W for Wednesday: 和晏榛、Fang吃超好吃的泰國料理。
W for Wednesday: 王瑄開著載滿Harrods小熊的紅色雙層巴士從山坡上滑下來了。
W for Wednesday: Harrods的超大Christmas熊--奧斯卡大爺。
W for Wednesday: My dear friend, bon voyage!
W for Wednesday: 歸途。
W for Wednesday: 提著33.75公斤的行李,累壞的兩個人。
W for Wednesday: DonDon在地鐵裡跳著快樂的芭蕾舞。
W for Wednesday: The Rock and Sole Plaice
W for Wednesday: The Rock and Sole Plaice, 離開這個城市前,要吃最後一次道地食物。
W for Wednesday: The Rock and Sole Plaice, 倫敦最古老的Fish and Chips餐廳。
W for Wednesday: The Rock and Sole Plaice, DonDon和送別禮物。
W for Wednesday: Observatory, air-port-city, 2008
W for Wednesday: Observatory, air-port-city, 在城市裡得人們。
W for Wednesday: Observatory, air-port-city, 2008
W for Wednesday: Observatory, air-port-city, 抽到幸運的彩球,才能到達城市的頂端。
W for Wednesday: Observatory, air-port-city, 我們浮在這個城市得半空中。
W for Wednesday: Normally, proceeding and unrestricted with without, 2008
W for Wednesday: Normally, proceeding and unrestricted with without, 王瑄划得很努力。
W for Wednesday: Normally, proceeding and unrestricted with without, 這個來自奧地利的藝術團體Geltin將Hayward的屋頂填滿水,讓我們在空中划船。
W for Wednesday: What's happiness?
W for Wednesday: Which one is your happiness?