W for Wednesday: 他們超級性感,我好喜歡!
W for Wednesday: Wen, DonDon and YenChen
W for Wednesday: 搖滾區。
W for Wednesday: 可愛的小精靈。
W for Wednesday: 好視野。
W for Wednesday: 白內褲小哥和蘇格蘭裙小哥。
W for Wednesday: Come Come Come, free hugs!
W for Wednesday: 咱攏係台灣郎,我們從Baker St. 走到Rusell Squ.,就這樣混在遊行隊伍中,全靠比基尼男孩撐場面。
W for Wednesday: 林岳龍 and Wen
W for Wednesday: LOVE is a human right!
W for Wednesday: 拼舞中。
W for Wednesday: YenChen, someone and DonDon with DFID
W for Wednesday: Babu, 你眼睛在看哪裡!!
W for Wednesday: 搖滾森巴。
W for Wednesday: Ice-Cone man
W for Wednesday: Baboo and James v.s. Ice-Cone Man
W for Wednesday: 小矮人和美女姊姊們。
W for Wednesday: 大犧牲林封良。
W for Wednesday: 晏榛看來很愛這種姿勢,旁邊為性感比基尼男孩。
W for Wednesday: 叭哺, 晏榛還有愛的小熊。
W for Wednesday: 台灣之光,I'm so proud of you!