W for Wednesday: 一群自以為在拍雜誌封面的中國餐館服務生
W for Wednesday: Gareth and Staf are playing one angle, two angles,triangle....
W for Wednesday: Dancing people...Sammy's time!
W for Wednesday: Dancing people...Kin's time!
W for Wednesday: Dancing people...Will's time!
W for Wednesday: Stef and Diana wear the Chinese dress
W for Wednesday: me and Diana
W for Wednesday: Diana and Jing
W for Wednesday: Diana's new look
W for Wednesday: Nat is playing firework
W for Wednesday: Nat is smoking!
W for Wednesday: they are really happy!
W for Wednesday: 五零年代上海民歌餐廳.....
W for Wednesday: Stef, Nat, Diana, me and Mark, we are big family!
W for Wednesday: 月老。
W for Wednesday: me and Jing
W for Wednesday: me and Christy
W for Wednesday: 甜點小天后Christy自製發糕。
W for Wednesday: 是圍爐還是祭祖?
W for Wednesday: King's Cross station
W for Wednesday: Where is Harry Potter??
W for Wednesday: Mama is cooking fired rice mixed salmon!
W for Wednesday: Be my beloved forever
W for Wednesday: Under the plastic sea...
W for Wednesday: King's Cross station