Neil Zone: Top down... not in this car
Neil Zone: My Vauxhall Cavalier
Neil Zone: Vauxhall Cavalier on the drive waiting to be scrapped
Neil Zone: My ex-Vauxhall Cavalier on the drive
Neil Zone: Vauxhall Cavalier, mark 2
Neil Zone: Abtract shot of Cavalier (or just badly focused!)
Neil Zone: Cavalier posing for photos for the first, and last, time
Neil Zone: I name this road, Cavalier Woodland Pass
Neil Zone: It's like being on TOP GEAR!
Neil Zone: 23 years of 'faultless' motoring...
Neil Zone: Reflecting on an amazing life
Neil Zone: The QUALITY interior!
Neil Zone: Here's our road!
Neil Zone: Here it is over the road
Neil Zone: The star car of this car park...
Neil Zone: Not much longer for this world
Neil Zone: Forboding sky on my last day with the Cavalier
Neil Zone: Perched on a scary hill