neilzoglauer: blaze on madigan's tree now over grown
neilzoglauer: hay river - northern territory plaque at camp 16
neilzoglauer: plaque at madigan's camp 16
neilzoglauer: plaque at madigan's tree at camp 16
neilzoglauer: plaque marking madigan's camp 16
neilzoglauer: plaque at camp 16
neilzoglauer: madigan's camp 15
neilzoglauer: plaque marking andrew harper's campsite on his capricorn expedition across australia
neilzoglauer: sign entering batton hill camp grounds
neilzoglauer: camp ground at batton hill
neilzoglauer: relaxing at batton hill
neilzoglauer: netted dragon at batton hill
neilzoglauer: crossing the bed of the hay river
neilzoglauer: finding our way through the hay river
neilzoglauer: following our friends tracks through the hay river
neilzoglauer: hay river after wind storm shows no track
neilzoglauer: lunch at lake caroline with others travellers
neilzoglauer: taking a break at the bed of the hay river
neilzoglauer: the red colour of the sand dunes in the hay river is spectacular
neilzoglauer: tracks in the hay river
neilzoglauer: tracks in the sand
neilzoglauer: male painted dragon
neilzoglauer: tracks in the desert
neilzoglauer: tracks in the sand what a beautiful sight
neilzoglauer: sand goanna
neilzoglauer: sharp capped gum on the way into hay river