neilsharris: "Know Before Whom You Stand"
neilsharris: Ancient Drawers of the Hebrew School apocalypse
neilsharris: Sukkah
neilsharris: Busy day in the Rabbi's office
neilsharris: A cover without a Torah
neilsharris: Stairs lead the way to decay
neilsharris: Quiet, Hebrew School in session
neilsharris: With open doors...
neilsharris: Will the congregation please turn to page 135 and rise
neilsharris: Burned out
neilsharris: I hate praying by myself
neilsharris: Look mom, no walls
neilsharris: Welcome to Hebrew School
neilsharris: Divine protection stands proud
neilsharris: 5682-1922
neilsharris: Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation's Sanctuary
neilsharris: A year of decay
neilsharris: Desktop of the Hebrew school teacher
neilsharris: Be prepared
neilsharris: Perspective
neilsharris: How fair are your tents, O Jacob, and your dwelling places, O Israel!
neilsharris: And make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.
neilsharris: Stained glass of the Torah
neilsharris: For My House will be a House of Prayer to all nations.
neilsharris: The end of Jewish education
neilsharris: Days of Synagogue Past
neilsharris: Looking down on others
neilsharris: Take a mental picture
neilsharris: Uptown Jewish Funk
neilsharris: Between decay and graffiti