neilsharris: Patio furniture
neilsharris: Beware of dog on the 2nd floor
neilsharris: Block 37- Roof
neilsharris: Epic Fail
neilsharris: Like a foreign language
neilsharris: Frosty road not taken
neilsharris: Beyond the wires
neilsharris: DIY Selfie-stick Stand
neilsharris: Fire? What fire?
neilsharris: Come on in!
neilsharris: At least my $1 baseball cap light works
neilsharris: Epic fails (lessons learned) of 2015
neilsharris: Bustin' loose!
neilsharris: Can't remember the last time I had to PAY to get into a building.
neilsharris: Home of the brave
neilsharris: Splish splash
neilsharris: Lookout
neilsharris: "Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?"
neilsharris: Stopped
neilsharris: Someone let the dogs out!
neilsharris: The mist was released from the time vault and then things went nuts.
neilsharris: No vacancy & no rides
neilsharris: Didactic nature of half & half diffusion in iced coffee
neilsharris: Shadows of FLW at Northbrook Court
neilsharris: No more Comfort Inn
neilsharris: Destruction on Touhy Ave
neilsharris: Finally some urbex in 60645...über lame.
neilsharris: BandoParko #1, Skokie
neilsharris: Could be a furnace, but it looks like a giant snorkeling mask.
neilsharris: My new flatscreen