Neil Rogers: Touched down about an hour ago... club sandwich religion
Neil Rogers: There's a rainbow on the left of the horizon
Neil Rogers: 9th fairway, Corks.
Neil Rogers: Just love the nineteenth tee
Neil Rogers: This is why we come here...
Neil Rogers: San Lorenzo beauty
Neil Rogers: Toughest hole I've ever played
Neil Rogers: Another reason we go...
Neil Rogers: I defy you not to relax in this place
Neil Rogers: Michael testing the waters...
Neil Rogers: Shaun testing different waters...
Neil Rogers: My dessert, low calorie
Neil Rogers: Michael's dessert, that's more like it
Neil Rogers: Giant hands or small glass?
Neil Rogers: Total gridlock
Neil Rogers: Me at Pinihos Altos
Neil Rogers: Majestic approach
Neil Rogers: Stuff of dreams
Neil Rogers: Yes he did land the green... almost
Neil Rogers: I'll take this one
Neil Rogers: Hang on, maybe I rushed into that, I'll take this one
Neil Rogers: Very tough par 3
Neil Rogers: Sundowners at Pinheiros Altos
Neil Rogers: Just perfect
Neil Rogers: Also in colour
Neil Rogers: Michael!!!!
Neil Rogers: Sorry didn't mean to shout...
Neil Rogers: Hotel pool by night
Neil Rogers: Passage home