Neil Parker Photography: Bittern flying low over reed beds, Ham Wall, Somerset
Neil Parker Photography: Male Marsh Harrier
Neil Parker Photography: Another Bittern shot
Neil Parker Photography: Bittern 'Botaurus stellaris'
Neil Parker Photography: Common Bluetail Damselfly
Neil Parker Photography: My Bittern shot featured in an audio slideshow - Sounds of Spring on the BBC springwatch site, link below
Neil Parker Photography: Lapwing lolloping flight
Neil Parker Photography: Hobby feeding on the wing
Neil Parker Photography: Bittern Flight
Neil Parker Photography: Hobby (Falco subbuteo)
Neil Parker Photography: Another wheeling Lapwing
Neil Parker Photography: Mute swan ~ Take off
Neil Parker Photography: Bittern ~ Shapwick
Neil Parker Photography: Swanning about
Neil Parker Photography: Precarious perch
Neil Parker Photography: Little Grebe reflection (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Neil Parker Photography: Male Reed bunting
Neil Parker Photography: Glastonbury Tor
Neil Parker Photography: Starling surge, Ham Wall
Neil Parker Photography: Starling Murmurations, Ham Wall
Neil Parker Photography: Heron hunting in evening light
Neil Parker Photography: Reflections reeds, Ham wall
Neil Parker Photography: Heron hunting mode
Neil Parker Photography: Heron fly over