Neil Parker Photography: Goldfinch on teasel
Neil Parker Photography: Long tailed Tit
Neil Parker Photography: Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
Neil Parker Photography: Great spotted woodpecker
Neil Parker Photography: Adult Goldfinch feeding on teasel seed head
Neil Parker Photography: Great Tit (Parus Major) in crisp winter light
Neil Parker Photography: Goldfinch & Long tailed tit on barbed wire
Neil Parker Photography: Great Tit perched on a berry tree (Winter, Shropshire)
Neil Parker Photography: Crouching Great tit, Hidden Photographer
Neil Parker Photography: Long tailed Tit on yellow lichen covered twig
Neil Parker Photography: Goldfinch, adult perched on garden plant support
Neil Parker Photography: House sparrow on snow covered branch
Neil Parker Photography: Hedge sparrow on barbed wire
Neil Parker Photography: Wren with caterpillar
Neil Parker Photography: Great Tit posing with nut
Neil Parker Photography: Chirpy Coal Tit
Neil Parker Photography: Long tailed Tit