Neillwphoto: Bridge to the Sands
Neillwphoto: To the Graveyard
Neillwphoto: The Nether Kirkyard
Neillwphoto: The Watch House
Neillwphoto: Inside the Watch House
Neillwphoto: St Cryus
Neillwphoto: A small bothy in the Grass
Neillwphoto: Cracked Sink
Neillwphoto: Discarded Cistern
Neillwphoto: The Abandoned Bothy
Neillwphoto: The Eerie Fireplace
Neillwphoto: Mirror Mirror
Neillwphoto: Alone in the Dark
Neillwphoto: Man in the Mirror
Neillwphoto: St Cyrus Beach
Neillwphoto: The Wavy Sand
Neillwphoto: My name written all over it