neill.shenton: Rodin's Lovers continue their kiss
neill.shenton: morning
neill.shenton: Breakfast on board
neill.shenton: in the setting sun
neill.shenton: tall mast in the sunset
neill.shenton: photographing the band...
neill.shenton: sundown
neill.shenton: dock photography
neill.shenton: dock photography II
neill.shenton: Dock Photography III
neill.shenton: Last chance
neill.shenton: Security staff hurry home
neill.shenton: Fly past
neill.shenton: Straight up
neill.shenton: A million cameras
neill.shenton: Brazillian
neill.shenton: Smaller fleet
neill.shenton: Concentration
neill.shenton: Deep in thought
neill.shenton: So much to see
neill.shenton: Sing with me now...
neill.shenton: Lynx flyby