neill.shenton: preparing for opening
neill.shenton: captured in glass
neill.shenton: Building the Hilton
neill.shenton: what's he taking a photo of?
neill.shenton: Hurry to the car
neill.shenton: Car park landings
neill.shenton: Stairs up from the car park
neill.shenton: Hilton, from the new shopping area
neill.shenton: Part finished - Liverpool One
neill.shenton: Escalator
neill.shenton: Shoppers II
neill.shenton: morning
neill.shenton: bridge & escalator
neill.shenton: thinker
neill.shenton: steps down
neill.shenton: To the cinema
neill.shenton: escalating
neill.shenton: Happy couple
neill.shenton: reflected
neill.shenton: steps in the rain
neill.shenton: curved steps
neill.shenton: intersecting
neill.shenton: step - Liverpool One
neill.shenton: Pedestrian, Seats, Pavement & Towers