julianthomas: IMG_0101
julianthomas: IMG_0496
julianthomas: IMG_0483
julianthomas: Redwing
julianthomas: glaucous gull
julianthomas: hovering owl
julianthomas: Waxwing
julianthomas: Glaucous Gull
julianthomas: Glaucous gull
julianthomas: Glaucous gull
julianthomas: woodcock in our garden
julianthomas: Woodcock in our garden
julianthomas: Goldfinch in our garden
julianthomas: Red-legged Partridge
julianthomas: Common Kestrel
julianthomas: Brown Hares
julianthomas: Brown Hares
julianthomas: Skylark
julianthomas: Bluebells
julianthomas: Bluebells and beech leaves
julianthomas: Black-tailed Godwit
julianthomas: Grey Heron with eel
julianthomas: Grey Heron with eel
julianthomas: Little Egret, moment of the strike
julianthomas: Four-spotted Chaser
julianthomas: Reed Warbler
julianthomas: Pale-bellied Brent Geese
julianthomas: Kittiwake
julianthomas: Kittiwake
julianthomas: Redwing