joiseyboyy: Caddy lowrider stunt in the park
joiseyboyy: Grand Ave stripes by The Broad
joiseyboyy: San Pedro Sunken Gardens
joiseyboyy: L.A. Sunken Grdns cliff art
joiseyboyy: Sunken Gardens painted tree
joiseyboyy: Sunken Gardens slab art
joiseyboyy: Sunken Gardens cat mural
joiseyboyy: Sunken Gardens street art
joiseyboyy: Ft MacArthur engine room
joiseyboyy: Ft. MacArthur WAC Re-enactors
joiseyboyy: San Pedro No Smoking Sign
joiseyboyy: Academy Rd lowrider stunt
joiseyboyy: '56 Chevy convertible
joiseyboyy: Sean driving by lowriders
joiseyboyy: Chevy Impala lowrider
joiseyboyy: '67 Impala lowrider
joiseyboyy: 50's Bonneville tail fin
joiseyboyy: San Pedro schooner by containers
joiseyboyy: L.A. Port Foreign Trade Zone
joiseyboyy: Street corner talking..
joiseyboyy: Pt Fermin Victorian lighthouse
joiseyboyy: Sunken Grdns sea detritus
joiseyboyy: San Pedro Sunken City ocean
joiseyboyy: DTLA skyline & L.A. River
joiseyboyy: Denver skyline
joiseyboyy: Toddler at my lavenderia today
joiseyboyy: Dublin Grizzly Bear advert
joiseyboyy: Lone Burritto King diner
joiseyboyy: Palladium patio, LCD Soundsystem
joiseyboyy: Broadway Sun Shadows