joiseyboyy: Rare L.A. rain on my Dart
joiseyboyy: L.A. Music Center carpet
joiseyboyy: The Water Passion @ Disney Hall
joiseyboyy: Disney Hall "The Water Passion"
joiseyboyy: Water bowls on stage today
joiseyboyy: Neil at L.A. Master Chorale show
joiseyboyy: LAUSD arts high art exhibit
joiseyboyy: Sunset shroud on fan palm
joiseyboyy: "Voters take a dim view of teacher tenure" today's LAT article
joiseyboyy: L.A. Union Station families depart
joiseyboyy: Make extra cash, $7 to start...
joiseyboyy: L.A. was once "Los Diablos" town
joiseyboyy: L.A. was Hell Town in the 1850s
joiseyboyy: Changing Grand Central Market
joiseyboyy: LAPD Skid Row pop-up gallery
joiseyboyy: Faded Victor Clothing sign
joiseyboyy: "Fu*k CA you made me boring"
joiseyboyy: New Sunset Blvd. cosmic mural
joiseyboyy: Sunset on Sunset Blvd. from bus
joiseyboyy: The Water Passion @ Disney Hall
joiseyboyy: Buena Vista LADWP station art
joiseyboyy: Dried seed pod above MTA trains
joiseyboyy: L.A. River bicyclist in water
joiseyboyy: Arroyo Seco by Los Angeles River
joiseyboyy: L.A. River runs by the Gold Line
joiseyboyy: Homeless couch above the 110
joiseyboyy: Taggers camp above 110
joiseyboyy: Graffiti above Pasadena Fry
joiseyboyy: Elysian Pk. Washbasin in the trees
joiseyboyy: Outdoor homeless table set