joiseyboyy: Lil' Robot street art in Koln
joiseyboyy: Woman walking in Cologne
joiseyboyy: T Mobile video phone booths
joiseyboyy: German frontier-Eupen, Belgium
joiseyboyy: Dark summer skies of Monschau
joiseyboyy: Rur River through Monschau
joiseyboyy: My intrepid host @ Red House
joiseyboyy: 18th c homes in Monschau
joiseyboyy: Monschau survived WWII intact
joiseyboyy: Swallows diving in The Eifel
joiseyboyy: WWII German artifacts
joiseyboyy: German soldier & landscapes
joiseyboyy: German Luftwaffe uniform
joiseyboyy: USAF aircraft bits dug up nearby
joiseyboyy: Hurtgenwald Museum dioramas
joiseyboyy: Hurtgenwald Museum dioramas
joiseyboyy: Minefield sign from the forest
joiseyboyy: WWII mines dug up in the forest
joiseyboyy: Their latest display
joiseyboyy: Gebietslager Nideggen
joiseyboyy: German youth WWII uniforms
joiseyboyy: May, 1945 "End of Hitler's time"
joiseyboyy: Hitler's demise display
joiseyboyy: Nazi youth uniform
joiseyboyy: The nearby Siegfried Line photos
joiseyboyy: Battle diorama & artifacts
joiseyboyy: Wehrmacht motorcycle mechanic
joiseyboyy: Hurtgen Hotel, army bivouac
joiseyboyy: WWII weapons from the battle
joiseyboyy: WWII weapons found in the forest