joiseyboyy: 33 9th graders ea. morning-30 min.
joiseyboyy: My ninth grade advisory on their final day
joiseyboyy: Ninth graders on their final day!
joiseyboyy: Universal City from Sheraton Tower
joiseyboyy: My student's senior prank 18 June 2010
joiseyboyy: The Hollywood Fryway backed up
joiseyboyy: Jonae Shady, a former HHS teacher
joiseyboyy: Universal Sheraton pool from the dinner
joiseyboyy: Judy Campell, Miss Hollywood Hi
joiseyboyy: My colleagues @ HHS retirement dinner
joiseyboyy: Bob Melling w/ the principal
joiseyboyy: Russell's bee box
joiseyboyy: Shaky 1922 foundation
joiseyboyy: Bees trapped in web
joiseyboyy: Sean found this rat while building the foundation to the cottage
joiseyboyy: Backwards
joiseyboyy: Russell traps our bees
joiseyboyy: A Stegasaurus meets a desicated rat
joiseyboyy: 1920's wallpaper found during the remodel
joiseyboyy: A dinosaur unearthed digging a foundation
joiseyboyy: We primed the sheet rock today
joiseyboyy: Pasadena Make Music Festival 2010
joiseyboyy: Sean setting the pilings for the deck
joiseyboyy: Matt & Kim in Pasadena
joiseyboyy: Old Towne art gallery
joiseyboyy: Matt Johnson of Matt & Kim
joiseyboyy: Old Towne Pasadena
joiseyboyy: Matt & Kim on Holly St. with fans
joiseyboyy: The Raymond Theatre condos
joiseyboyy: Remmants of Pasadena Public Library