Neil Noland: The Cardsharps
Neil Noland: Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Neil Noland: The Resurrection
Neil Noland: The Crucifixion of Saint Andrew
Neil Noland: The Martyrdom of St. Matthew
Neil Noland: The Inspiration of St. Matthew
Neil Noland: The Calling of St. Matthew
Neil Noland: The Calling of St. Matthew (Detail
Neil Noland: Contarelli Chapel Arch
Neil Noland: Contarelli Chapel
Neil Noland: The Inspiration of St. Matthew (Detail)
Neil Noland: David with the Head of Goliath
Neil Noland: Self-Portrait as Bacchus (Sick Bacchus)
Neil Noland: Madonna dei Palafrenieri
Neil Noland: Madonna dei Palafrenieri (Detail)
Neil Noland: Saint Jerome