N Sproston: Above the Dyfi
N Sproston: Robin
N Sproston: Robin and a blue tit
N Sproston: Buzzard overhead
N Sproston: Buzzard overhead
N Sproston: Robin in the hedge
N Sproston: Kat and Evie
N Sproston: Otis decorating the tree
N Sproston: Evie decorating the tree
N Sproston: Evie decorating the tree
N Sproston: Otis decorating the tree
N Sproston: Evie and Otis
N Sproston: Sash and Evie
N Sproston: Sash and Evie
N Sproston: Shrimp
N Sproston: Preggostance
N Sproston: Sarah and Otis
N Sproston: Looking down to the Dyfi
N Sproston: Clouds rolling in