nlpapas (...returns): Sunrise offers a very beautiful spectacle; the water is quite unruffled
nlpapas (...returns): Sunrise at City of Naga, Cebu Amphitheater's arc
nlpapas (...returns): Nose of the elephant. MADE IT TO EXPLORE (#429) ON 4/4/09
nlpapas (...returns): The sunrise never failed us yet. 1st Place Winner - "Your most commented Photo" contest in the ATOMIC AWARD GROUP
nlpapas (...returns): Some flowers have thorns only for those who would gather it
nlpapas (...returns): There's a boat on the line where the sea meets the sky
nlpapas (...returns): Flowers echo each voice of the human heart
nlpapas (...returns): With each sunrise, they start anew
nlpapas (...returns): Whirl, swirl or twirl - is there any difference among these three words?
nlpapas (...returns): To Daisy: Sunrise, a glitter of golden wonder in a vast edifice of space. MADE IT TO EXPLORE (#203) ON 4/1/09
nlpapas (...returns): At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear
nlpapas (...returns): Sunset at Dumanjug, Cebu
nlpapas (...returns): Sometimes a sunrise is just what we need to make us feel better when we are worried
nlpapas (...returns): I took one look at that point and the sunset, and I fell in love
nlpapas (...returns): Fiery sunrise at San Fernando, Cebu
nlpapas (...returns): Yellow wakes me up in the morning
nlpapas (...returns): Simply red and yellow
nlpapas (...returns): In water one sees one's own face