nlpapas (...returns): New City Museum, Carcar City, Cebu, Philippines (Completed in 1929) 2
nlpapas (...returns): Stone wall lamp @ the Spanish-built Fort San Pedro
nlpapas (...returns): Crown Regency Hotel & Towers, Cebu City, Philippines
nlpapas (...returns): Yap-San Diego 17th Century house, Cebu City, Philippines2
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog Festival Queen #1
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog Festival Queen #2
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog Festival Queen #3
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog Festival Queen #4
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog Festival Queen #5
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog dancer in Black Shama gear
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog Festival 2009 colors and pageantry, Cebu City, Philippines
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog action on the streets
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog chant
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog colors
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog Festival 2009 spectator
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog sway. MADE IT TO EXPLORE (#411) ON 1/19/09
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog arms lock
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog contingent, Tribu Sinanduloy of Tangub City
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog street dancing in pretty dresses
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog cadence
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog dancers yell, Pit Senyor!
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog, a ritual dance
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog's thanking & praising gesture
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog's 1-step forward, 2-steps backward movement
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog's look-down dance step
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog legs
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog look
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog's linking arms dance move
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog dress twirl dance step
nlpapas (...returns): Sinulog walk