nehall: Eastern Yellow Jacket (Vespula maculifrons)
nehall: Eastern Yellow Jacket (Vespula maculifrons)
nehall: Flesh Fly (Eutrichota affinis)
nehall: Four-lined Silverfish (Ctenolepisma lineata)
nehall: Parasitic Wasp (Cratichneumon)
nehall: Parasitic Wasp (Cratichneumon)
nehall: Scotch Bonnet
nehall: Flesh Fly (Eutrichota affinis)
nehall: Woodlouse aka Pill Bug (Oniscidea)
nehall: A Gift From the Sea
nehall: Assasin Bug Nymph (Zelus luridus)
nehall: Hoverfly (Rhingia nasica)
nehall: Hoverfly (Rhingia nasica)
nehall: Simple Things
nehall: Winter firefly (Ellychnia corrusca
nehall: Metallic-Sweat Bee (Lasioglossum)
nehall: Metallic-Sweat Bee (Lasioglossum)
nehall: Syrphid Fly (Toxomerus germinatus)
nehall: Syrphid Fly (Toxomerus germinatus)
nehall: So you think you had a bad day......
nehall: Multi-Tasking
nehall: Robber fly and prey
nehall: Stink bug nymph (Podisus)
nehall: Leafhopper Nymph, species unidentified (Cicadellidae)
nehall: Leafhopper Nymph - Jikradia olitoria
nehall: Parasitic Wasp (Cratichneumon)
nehall: Mantis Nymph (Stagmomantis carolina)
nehall: Leaf-footed Bug Nymph (Acanthocephala terminalis)
nehall: Katydid Nymph (Scudderia)
nehall: Katydid Nymph (Scudderia)