Negentropic Object 23: furry curls
Negentropic Object 23: spectral morning
Negentropic Object 23: IMGP9976redux
Negentropic Object 23: beetle for dinner
Negentropic Object 23: bumblebutt
Negentropic Object 23: cranes and cops
Negentropic Object 23: flies do it like birds and bees
Negentropic Object 23: bumblebutt2
Negentropic Object 23: Canine Civil Disobedience
Negentropic Object 23: it's a breeze
Negentropic Object 23: polishpoolish
Negentropic Object 23: zikes' daemon
Negentropic Object 23: curious olfactorial
Negentropic Object 23: Loose Tongue
Negentropic Object 23: duck duality
Negentropic Object 23: Peacock in Paradise