neepster: Pirates!
neepster: Dad Playing BF3
neepster: JC Playing Oblivion
neepster: JC and Mom at 9/11 Memorial
neepster: Mom at 9/11 Memorial
neepster: Dad at 9/11 Memorial
neepster: Dad at 9/11 Memorial
neepster: 9/11 Memorial
neepster: Arizona 9/11 Memorial
neepster: Arizona 9/11 Memorial
neepster: Amy and Mom at Capitol
neepster: Amy and Mom at Capitol
neepster: Amy and Chris at Korean War Memorial
neepster: Mast of the USS Arizona
neepster: Dad and JC at USS Arizona Mast Memorial
neepster: USS Arizona Signal Mast Memorial
neepster: Arizona Capitol
neepster: Arizona Vietnam Veterans Memorial
neepster: Arizona Vietnam War Memorial
neepster: Arizona Vietnam War Memorial
neepster: Amy and Capitol
neepster: Arizona Capitol
neepster: Arizona Capitol
neepster: The 10 Commandments
neepster: Turquoise?
neepster: Ocotillo Flower
neepster: Ocotillo Flower
neepster: Saguaro and Agave with Stalk
neepster: Octopus Cactus!
neepster: Octopus Cactus!