neelybat: Money
neelybat: lava fields.
neelybat: going to the airport.
neelybat: hot dog!
neelybat: cute cow
neelybat: New friends
neelybat: sweet little girls.
neelybat: In the park
neelybat: Toy camera
neelybat: Some of my favorite street art.
neelybat: Oh..... Not the best idea for lunch
neelybat: Snack
neelybat: Bookstore window
neelybat: Dessert
neelybat: Dinner
neelybat: Another sexy typewriter
neelybat: Pretty birds.
neelybat: Ducks, geese and swan
neelybat: Bus riding
neelybat: Solo party
neelybat: Today's shopping.
neelybat: Tiny camera!
neelybat: Pretty shack next to a fur shop
neelybat: Trying to look like at tourist
neelybat: In the book store window
neelybat: Pretty!
neelybat: Most the houses look like this on the #4 bus line
neelybat: My favorite treat so far
neelybat: all from lamb.
neelybat: From the penis museum