Needleloca: Singer Featherweight 221 sewing machine
Needleloca: Updated alcove view
Needleloca: View from the door (2006 reOrg)
Needleloca: Spindle collection
Needleloca: Cocobolo and Yellowheart Spindlewood Spindle
Needleloca: new KCL spindle
Needleloca: Merino-silk, in progress
Needleloca: Cougar Spindle
Needleloca: Loki spindle
Needleloca: KCL Mini Spindle
Needleloca: Purpleheart and Redwood Burl Spindle
Needleloca: Spindlewood Square Whorl Spindle
Needleloca: Front view of my spinning set-up
Needleloca: Ashford Inkle Loom
Needleloca: Loom perspective
Needleloca: My new loom!
Needleloca: Baby Wolf loom set-up
Needleloca: Fringe tool
Needleloca: Le Clerc boat shuttle
Needleloca: Walnut and Lace wood boat shuttle
Needleloca: Shuttle, lace wood close up
Needleloca: Blueberry Thrill shawl, as of 9/17/12
Needleloca: My new Schacht Arras tapestry loom!
Needleloca: New thread storage
Needleloca: Sirena
Needleloca: My new Bernina sewing machine
Needleloca: My Pfaff creative 7550 sewing machine