NeblinaForest: Acorn Woodpecker-1
NeblinaForest: Acorn Woodpecker-2
NeblinaForest: Acorn Woodpecker-3
NeblinaForest: Andean cock of the Rock
NeblinaForest: Andean Emerald
NeblinaForest: Andean Motmot-1
NeblinaForest: Andean Motmot-2
NeblinaForest: Andean Motmot-3
NeblinaForest: Andean Motmot-4
NeblinaForest: Andean Motmot-5
NeblinaForest: Andean Motmot-6
NeblinaForest: Barred Fruiteater-1
NeblinaForest: Barred Fruiteater-2
NeblinaForest: Barred Fruiteater-3
NeblinaForest: Bay-headed Tanager
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-01
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-02
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-03
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-04
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-05
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-06
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-07
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-08
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-09
NeblinaForest: Black-billed mountain Toucan-10
NeblinaForest: Blue-winged mountain Tanager-2
NeblinaForest: Blue-winged mountain Tanager
NeblinaForest: Brown Violetear
NeblinaForest: Chestnut-headed Oropendola
NeblinaForest: Cloud forest Pygmy Owl-1