nebedaay: Photos of Baay Ñas along with family photos, Medina Baay
nebedaay: The canonical painting of Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse)
nebedaay: A Northern Nigerian poster of Baay Ñas
nebedaay: Baay Ñas superimposed on a mosque
nebedaay: Baay Ñas and disciples in front of his home, Medina Baay Kaolack
nebedaay: Baay Ñas with future President Abdou Diouf (Abdu Juuf)
nebedaay: Baay Ñas at the minbar (Medina Baay mosque?)
nebedaay: Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse)
nebedaay: Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse) with Mauritanian and Senegalese disciples
nebedaay: Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse)
nebedaay: Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse)
nebedaay: Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse)
nebedaay: Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse)
nebedaay: Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse)
nebedaay: Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse) at prayer time
nebedaay: Baay Ñas (Baye Niasse) with dignitaries, future imam Hasan Cissé, left center
nebedaay: Painting of Shaykh Ibrahim (Baay) Ñas in Kër Yoro
nebedaay: Story of Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma`il (Ishmael), the angel, and the ram, on a house wall in Kër Yoro
nebedaay: A famous photo of Baay Ñas, reproduced alongside a less-known photo apparently of Baay Ñas when he was a child
nebedaay: Glass painting of Shaykh Ahmad at-Tijani, Shaykh Ibrahim (Baay) Ñas, and Muhammad, in Kóosi Mbittéyeen
nebedaay: School built by Baay Usmaan Jaawo in Kóosi Mbittéyeen, next to the original Zawiyah